Date: May 3 (Friday), 2024
Venue: International Building (IB) 1010 on campus, Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops
Theme: As the world faces pressing environmental and social challenges, issues related to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and Sustainability are hotly debated in academia and in practice. The debates consider broad ideas from both internal (e.g., related to board of directors, inside managers, and other employees) and external (e.g., related to investors, creditors, financial analysts, auditors, suppliers, regulators, and policy makers) perspectives of firms’ business environment.
This workshop aims to share research on Sustainability and ESG-related topics, and to learn from policy makers and industry experts in Sustainability and ESG practices. It features thought-provoking invited speakers who provide their insights and knowledge.
Peter Tsigaris: Professor of Economics, Environmental Sustainability Research Cluster
Liz Yanmin Gao: Associate Professor of Accounting and KPMG Research Fellow, Financial Reporting and ESG Research Cluster